50% Off on all Hair Treatments
Never Hide Your Beauty
The best service. The best styles.
A Full Service Experience
A Full Service Experience
Hair Care
Hair Care
Skin Care
Skin Care
Nail Art
Nail Art
Hydra Derma Facial & Cleanup
Hydra Derma Facial & Cleanup
Micro Blading
Micro Blading
Hair Spa
Hair Spa
Gents Hair Cut
Gents Hair Cut
Pedicure & Manicure
Pedicure & Manicure
Hair Colouring
Hair Colouring
Hair Wash
Hair Wash
Groom Bridal Makeup
Groom Bridal Makeup
Hindu Bridal Makeup
Hindu Bridal Makeup
Muslim Bridal Makeup
Muslim Bridal Makeup
Christian Bridal Makeup
Christian Bridal Makeup
Smoothening or
Smoothening or
Permanent Blowdry
Permanent Blowdry
Keratin Treatment
Keratin Treatment
Botox & Nano Plastia
Botox & Nano Plastia
Top Branded Products
Top Branded Products
At WINTERMIST BRIDAL MAKEOVER & UNISEX SALON, our goal is to make you shine like a star. We create flattering, contemporary looks for our guests, specialising in versatile styles for everyday life. Whether you want the latest fashion, a timeless style or something just for a special event, WINTERMIST BRIDAL MAKEOVER & UNISEX SALON has your answer.
We believe that you are your best accessory. This is why we offer a full-service experience including hair styling, nail treatments and makeup services.